Personal Style Coach & Confidence Curator
Navigating your wardrobe, shopping, and styling for various occasions can feel overwhelming. Often, this leads to playing it safe and blending in instead of standing out. But who wants to be forgettable?
What if I told you there are simple tips to help you look stylish, regardless of your budget, age, body type, or the occasion?
It’s time to forget what others have said about your style and embrace a fresh start. Let’s reinvent your look to truly reflect who you are!
But who wants to play safe and blend in with the rest of the world, without being memorable? What if I told you that there are simple tips that will ensure that you look stylish no matter your budget, age, race, body type, lack of time, for the occasion?
Let’s start afresh: better late than never! Forget what anyone has ever told you about not looking good in a certain color, or that you are not attractive, including you! Forget about it all.
It’s time to reinvent yourself from scratch to align with who you truly are in all ways!
AYA JEAN is a former model, model agency owner, TEDx speaker, author, self-image consultant, and style coach. Currently co-starring in the Hollywood documentary “The Chinese American Immigrant” (2023), Aya was born Aya Yoshikawa to a supermodel and began modeling at birth. She has graced the covers of numerous fashion magazines and starred in over 150 TV commercials, including runway shows for Vivienne Westwood. Her exclusive campaigns have featured major brands like Shiseido, De Beers, Mercedes Benz, Cadillac, Coca-Cola, and MIKIMOTO.
Now based in Tokyo, Aya has traveled to over 50 countries and spent nearly half the year abroad before the pandemic. She is passionate about empowering others through her transformation programs, particularly women in Japan. Aya embraces intrinsic learning and steps out of her comfort zone to grow into her best self.
VISHEN LAKHIANI | Mindvalley Founder, New York Times Best Selling Author
MELODY YOKO | Mindvalley Founder, New York Times Best Selling Author
“I really love how detailed she is and how much time and energy she really spends to make a program that’s unique and special just for you. I really enjoyed the dining etiquette with Tamy, the dance lesson with Chris and of course, the posing lesson with Aya herself. She has so many tools and tricks and so much knowledge over so many years that she really gives you exactly what you need in order to be confident and embody the person you truly are.”
HENK ROGERS| Founder of The Tetris Company and International Founder & Chairman of Blue Planet
True transformation starts from within. Aligning your inner self with how you present to the world can make life effortless and fun—no status symbols required. With my unique formula, grounded in decades of experience, I help you unlearn outdated ideas and master the tools to express yourself confidently and authentically.”
The Homme Fatale & Femme Fatal Journey is a transformational process, similar to the famous fairytale “Ugly Duckling.” The duck discovers he is a beautiful swan when he lets go of his need to fit in, pursuing his passion and being true to himself.
First stage is “ignorance,” when we don’t know what we don’t know. Then comes “awareness,” where we know that we are not fully confident, but wanting to improve. After that comes “surrender,” where we decide to get out of our comfort zones and seek guidance despite the risks, if only to avoid further loss of time, money and energy.
Then comes “discovery,” where we realize that it’s not just about equipping ourselves with new tools and skills that serve us, but also about unlearning all the BS we have conditioned ourselves to believe to please others. The final stage is when miracles unfold and magic happens. Suddenly, we feel lucky and happy all the time. It feels too good to be true, but seeing is believing. Believing is seeing. It’s that simple. Because we now look the part, it all makes sense. It’s the best ROI.